Letizia Enderli

Letizia Enderli is a freelance artist who lives and works in Zurich and Oberwil/Nürnsdorf After the originally planned exhibition could not take place in 2020, an online retrospective was created for the time being. The design is deliberately restrained and forms a “white wall” on which the diversity of the artworks can take up space.

The website opens with the four main branches of Enderli's work: iron sculptures, sculptures made of found objects, carped designs (Kente and Kelim), mesmerising photography of tealeafs and fountains.
Each branch is an entrance to a virtual exhibition space that illuminates and explains the respective creative phase.

The website was selected and archived for the collection by the Webarchiv Schweiz (Swiss National Library).

Letizia Enderli
Website, Creative concept, Visual identity, Digital